Epic XC.

Famous location. 


May 7 - 15, 2022


When we were looking for a spring tour destination we knew it had to be Woodrat Mt., Oregon. We love this site because it’s a world class soaring destination known fantastic mid-day flying and glass-off conditions. Rather than an “all inclusive” tour, for our Woodrat trip we’re providing coaching and daily van rides to launch and XC retrieval. We’ll offer recommendations and with a variety of accommodations -from camping to hotels- students can choose what fits them best.

Woodrat mountain has been the home to beginner and national title competitions for 20 years. It has a beautiful graded launch that orients into two wind directions and a massive green cow pasture for a landing field. Woodrat is a perfect location for 30-50 km fishbowl cross country flights and where many pilots experience their best early XC missions. . We wanted to offer a clinic opportunity for East Coast pilots to come to enjoy one of the premier West Coast flying destinations as you warm-up for the season. The Rogue Valley is a beautiful place with great camping, vineyards, Bed and Breakfast spots, and phenomenal flying.

We will keep a 3 to 1 ratio on this bespoke Woodrat clinic catering to pilots of all skills. . There is great kiting available in the landing zone as well as at Emigrant Lake for those trying to level up their ground game.


Calef Letorney

Founder of Paraglide New England, Calef’s a USHPA Master Rated pilot, Advanced Instructor, and former State distance record holder. Calef’s especially keen to help yearling pilots dial in thermal skills and glide into their first cross country flights. With excellent weather and an incredible site, Calef’s keen to all pilots from novice to advanced make the most of their trip to Oregon.

Nick Greece

Nick Greece is celebrating his 20th year of paragliding. He has flown in over 35 countries, but Woodrat, Mt. continues to be one of his favorite sites, where he has won 2 National Competitions and been on the podium 5 other times at paragliding race to goal competitions. It’s also the site that Nick entered his very first competition! Nick’s also a USHPA Advanced Instructor who has held numerous distance records. He’s also flown over 400 kilometers, twice. Nick is sponsored by Ozone Paragliders, KAVU, TAKA, and Flytec USA.

Travel Logistics

Flights are to arrive any time on the 7th and depart any time on the 15th. This means we ahem 7 full days of flying.

Cost: $1800

This includes:

  • 7 full days of paragliding instruction on the mountain

  • Daily rides to launch and XC retrieval

  • Comprehensive pre-trip briefing and strategy session via online meeting

  • Personalized instruction and XC guiding

  • Nightly video review of launches and track log analysis

Not included:

  • Flights to Medford Airport (MFR)

  • Hotel

  • Transportation outside daily van service (but rental car not required)

  • Food ($15-50 per day)

  • Travel insurance (required) we recommend World Nomad, Explorer. Or read HERE for acceptable policies that cover Paragliding.

  • RVHPA Club fee ($30)

Don’t delay!

This trip will book up fast, so claim your spot now!